How to Set Up an Awesome Remote Learning Space for Your Kids

Four Tips to Follow to Maximize Focus and Efficiency

furniture for remote students

We’re still dealing with the effects of the pandemic, which means that we’re not only working from home, but we’re learning from home, too. Many children have not returned to a regular classroom schedule yet and are still attending school remotely. Considering that the vaccine won’t be fully rolled out for some time, parents can count on their children being at home for the foreseeable future. This means doing whatever it takes to set your child up for success so that they don’t fall behind, which can be a challenge if you don’t know where to start.

Obviously, your home isn’t going to be the traditional classroom experience, but there are ways you can improve the environment to make it more conducive to your child’s learning. After seeing what works – and more importantly, what doesn’t – we’ve narrowed down ways to setting up your child with an awesome remote learning space to the following four tips.

Provide a Dedicated Space

If you’ve pivoted to a work from home environment, then you’re probably already familiar with the concept of a dedicated workspace. For most, that’s an office or a specific area of the home that’s carved out for work. Children are really no different. They need to know that they’re in a “learning zone” or other classroom environment to check-in mentally that it’s time to go to school.

The best way to do this is to provide them a desk or other dedicated learning surface (such as the kitchen table) so that they know school is in session when they’re at this location. Additionally, you want to make sure that once you establish a learning area that you keep it consistent. That is to say, don’t put your child in the kitchen one day and shift them to the living room the next. Establish a school area and make sure they have everything they need to put in a full day of continuous learning. Use the following checklist.

  • A desk or flat surface with ample space
  • A comfortable chair
  • All writing utensils, paper, and other school supplies
  • Stable internet connection and reliable tech

Keep Everything Organized

It’s no secret that kids can be messy, so as a parent, the best thing you can do is be proactive and keep them organized. Children – especially younger ones – will be using many different school supplies on a daily basis. If you’re not careful, their learning zone can turn into a mess of markers, books, and art supplies. The messier things are, the more difficult it’s going to be for your child to stay on task.

What we recommend is getting some office organizers so that there’s a place for all the pens, crayons, markers, and paints when they’re not actively in use. You may even take it a step further and label the organizers so that they get in the habit correctly grouping items together. A good home learning environment should mirror that of a well-run classroom. Half the battle is keeping things clean and put away.

Minimize the Distractions

Adults are highly skilled at working in environments in which many distractions are present. Even when coworkers are talking or there is an ample amount of noise in the area, they still manage to get things done. Children, however, need a learning environment that is quiet so that they can stay focused. That means cutting the TV off and removing anything that is the cause of unnecessary distraction. You may even go as far as to set up partitions so that it’s easier for your child to lock in on what’s in front of them. Finally, nothing drowns out external noise better than a pair of high-quality soundproof headphones. This ensures your child is focused on their teacher’s lesson plan and not on what may be happening around them.

Good Reliable Tech

The final – and possibly most important piece of the learning environment – is making sure you have good reliable tech. Be mindful of the Wi-Fi signal when setting up your child and their dedicated at-home classroom space. Some areas of the home get better signal than others. Regarding computers and tablets, you don’t need to break the bank on these, but you at least want to make sure you invest in equipment that allows your child to keep up with the rest of their class. Finally, don’t forget to install the appropriate child protection software and parental controls. This will keep your child on-task and free from any potential external distractions that may pop up.

Come By Santa Fe Office Interiors Today

Santa Fe Office Interiors has worked with several parents to appropriately furnish their home learning environments for children of all ages. We sell new and used office furniture here in the Kansas City area, including partitions, desks, office chairs, and anything you may possibly need for your at-home classroom.

The best way to see what we can offer you is by visiting our store at 8106 Santa Fe Dr. in Overland Park, KS. We always keep a large stock and wide variety of products on our showroom floor.

If you’d like to set an appointment, call us at 913-901-8800.